I am a musician. This is my stuffs. Please understand these are demo quality, so they aren’t perfect. All instruments, lyrics, vox, production etc., by yours truly. I put these here because my songs are a form of poetry. Hope you enjoy. More to come.
HolyMysticalSexualUnion – a funky little soulful song about making love
If I Could Marry My Cat – a funny acoustic guitar song about how much I love my 17 year old cat who has been with me through thick and thin
Frustrated – a funky guitar driven song – I think we have all felt this way at one point or another
Nothing Makes Me Love Like Her – an extremely romantic song with full instrumentation build-up
Like a Flower – a funky acoustic song nice percussion about the potential for us to bloom like a flower
Everybody Knows It – another medium tempo very romantic acoustic song with a droopy funk bass line and sweet vocals
Reconciliation – a very raw emotional piano and vocal piece about total heartbreak and devastation
Creation – a funky wicked instrumental guitar driven song about creation
Queen of Denial – an emotional acoustic guitar demo song about my ex who was indeed the queen of denial
Take This Pain Away – an acoustic guitar song about being in pain and wishin’ it was gone
Do Me Baby – my version of the Prince classic